- Fluorescent and high bay alternative solutions
Savings of 25% to 40% are instantly available depending on mains input voltage
by converting to our unique design T5 lighting.
- Energy Savings and greatly extended lamp life
are achieved by using constant wattage high frequency electronic ballast.
- Lamp life extended from the 8,000 hour average,
to 27,000 hours (and far greater in many instances). Flicker free high
frequency operation. The ballasts used produce very little in the way of
harmful harmonics. Continuous switching of the ballast has little or no effect
on lamp-life (The manufacturer has tested lamps to 1,000,000 switching cycles,
with no noticeable lamp degradation). This leads to cost-effective lamp control
using passive switching systems, rather than expensive dimming systems .
lighting range goes from a 3 watts replacement for a decorative GU10 right
through to 75watts replacement for a 400 watts industrial metal halide. All
give better light quality and colour control.
Voltage regulation of lighting
SON, metal halide and switch start fluorescent
lamps will strike at 185 volts so further reduction from 210 has the potential
to give daylight savings in excess of 40% with no significant loss of light
NB: High frequency fluorescent lighting is usually constant wattage and
so reducing the voltage cannot save energy. A full range of sizes is available.
From single phase for individually switched street and car park lighting to
IP65 3 phase boxed units 20A to 180A.
Saving even more Money - Via the Carbon
Trust, proper monitoring equipment can allow 28% cost recovery through the tax
system as enhanced capital allowances -
Click here for
more details. For interest free loan details
click here
