80% Energy Savings !!! |
A Brief HistoryUntil very recently, LED's were too expensive to use for most lighting applications simply because they are built around advanced semiconductor material. In recent years this price has plummeted making LED's a more cost effective lighting option for a wide variety of applications from direct replacement of 35 watt GU10 with 3 watts through to 400 watt metal halide replaced with 75 watts (YES its not a spelling mistake we did say 75 watts) A Summary of LED benefits:- ![]() A selection of applications:-
It's also nice to know the "big boys" agree with us, this is what our friends at PHILIPS have to say:-
We might also add: choice of 3 colours temeratures and cold, soft and warm white. Finally the best bit: The Government want you save energy so will help you to finance replacement lighting schemes. Saving even more Money - The Carbon Trust, has a mission is to accelerate the move to a low carbon economy by working with organisations to reduce carbon emissions and develop commercial low carbon technologies. To help this the Carbon Trust can allow 28% cost recovery through the tax system as enhanced capital allowances - Click here for more details. Or as interest free loans For more details click here
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