

Saleen's travels, the start of an adventure! (September 2005)

New York dealership (July 05).  David Ford
DF 989 Rear
  • 14" Brake upgrade
  • Shaker 500
  • Automatic
NY Dealer
Arrival in Liverpool Arrival in Liverpool August 05
Old, old, and new LIverpool
Lands End 3147 miles back to New York!
989 runs out of roads
Lands End, Cornwall.
Lands End
St Ives Bay 989 overlooking St Ives Bay, Cornwall
Saleen meets I K Brunels Tamar Bridge. Tamar Bridge
Woolich Ferry Woolwich Ferry across River Thames, London
325 HP meets 1 HP
Mustang 'n Pony
Country rear Springtime in Yorkshire.
England's "Green and Pleasant Land"  Country_side view

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